
It exists that responsible one for the guard of the vestibules, fits to watch who if he approaches, who enters, who leaves the territories. This Exus little is clarified, fulfills orders, announces to the new commanders the arrival of Exus, just deixarred a carne. The vibration of this Exus Doormans is very dense, therefore, easily they are bought with gifts (offerings of high material vibration and low vibration spiritual), and thus, they facilitate escapes, as well as, to the entrance of agents of other territories that go to rescue espritos that are imprisoned in the astral caves of submundo. In a territory of Exus some vestibules of access and some types of Exus exist Doormans, in varied levels of evolution spiritual. In the vestibules that give access ace lands of the low vibrations we count on the work of the doormans of dense vibrations, already in the vestibules that give to access lands of Karmico rescue; the doormans more are clarified, prepared in the Schools of Evolution, some are serve as apprentice in it of if becoming commanders and galgarem other positions in the Kingdom. Inside of the territory of the Exus other vestibules that give to access lands (differentiated reigns), in these exist several, also doormans and agents exist differentiated spirituals. The energy vibration of the vestibule allows the entrance of agent spirituals and hinders the entrance of others. To the measure that, the agent to evolve the same modifies its energy vibration that allows it to penetrate in new spaces spirituals, kingdoms, astral caves (in special visits spirituals). In the center of the territory the nucleus of the pure one exists to be able where to reign Exu-King. This creature does not have form as normally the peoples try to attribute to it, in the truth, it are a great energy mass that consists of the addition of all the vibrations of the other Exus of the Kingdom.

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