Memory my relation like empowered of school like very rough, but tremendously assumed and participating, because from event with my daughter, I assumed that task to cabalidad, which meant me years of to char them of first communion, confirmation and schools for father, these last, of exclusive feature of Paula Lagos, who in lateras to char them, made reference to that the Ursulinas nuns were training of Brave women, models of woman for the society, training of families, feminine but not feminists and followers of santo gospel, everything under an umbrella of ultramontano moralismo. If one declared like empowered his to seem by the low level of formation that reached the children at the time of postulating to the University, Paula Lagos showed that those were personal goals or of the families, but not of the School. Good, in the case of the School of Maip, the yield of the students for the Tests of University Selection always were very poor, unlike the one of Vitacura, where the level was superior. Today my daughter studies Architecture in a State University and I can say with approval that is by its own merit and not thanks to the mediocre quality of the received education, to a cost of US$ 3,000 annual between matriculation and colegiatura, that was what we paid to the Ursulinas (without subsidy some by all means). Memory that in those interminable ones char them in which very well always towards reference to " we them ursulinas" uprightness models, were practically impossible abrir some debate, because any dissent was responded soon after through professor head or the Sub Director with: " you have the freedom to take to his niita to another one colegio". Another excellent aspect and that nobody has observed, is that in the school of Maip several German professors existed, that had a tremendous one to be able within the community, all of them with a strange character, as I imitate of the style of the Superior.