Classic tales for children. Today: Sleeping beauty. Charles Perrault adapted by Walter Gangi would like to present you this classic tale, in an entertaining and dynamic version which you can share with your children, in very little time and without that reading seem too long and boring, Walter Gangi, abia once, many, many years ago, in a faraway Kingdom, a Queen and a King who had a beautiful girl called Aurora. For the feast of the baptism, the Kings invited all the fairies of the Kingdom but unfortunately they forgot the evil maleficent. I was furious and although she was not invited, maleficent as was the castle the day of the feast, and when I step ahead of the birthplace of the girl, made him a spell by saying: at sixteen you pincharas with a needle and die. But close was the good fairy who heard what he said maleficent, made him another spell to avoid the terrible condemnation of the wicked: click instead of dying, Aurora It will remain asleep for a hundred years and it will wake up only the kiss of a Prince.
Years passed and Aurora became a very beautiful Princess. The King had ordered that they were thrown out of the castle all needles, in order to avoid that the Princess could puncture. But that anything served him, because to the sixteenth birthday, the Princess who toured the Castle, came to an unknown place and found an old deaf who was spinning. The Princess asked him to let her help her and happened what the evil fairy had foreseen: Aurora is pricked with the needle that had preserved the old woman and fell to the ground. After many attempts no one managed to overcome the spell, the fairies did everything possible, but it was useless, because the days passed and Aurora not woke. Then the Princess was placed in a bed of flowers.