After some time in the drydock, the coupons of discount have returned successfully to marketing. Supported by his brother online, the coupons of discount have registered a growth of 14.7% from the time that preceded to the economic recession. The coupons of discount now live one second life that even promises to be better than first. has published a infografa in which it picks up the main landmarks in the successful return of the coupons of discount to the rotation of marketing: – In 2010, 3,300 million coupons of discount supposed to the Americans savings 3,700 million dollars, which supposes an increase of 100 million coupons with respect to 2009 and 200 million dollars more in savings. – During year 2010, 2,100 million coupons of discount for foods were exchanged in the United States, number that contrasts with the 1,200 million coupons that were not destined the nourishing industry. – The product categories that more exchanges of coupons registered in 2009 were the cereals, the ingredients to make pastry shop, entertainment (magazines, games, DVDs, etc.), the products of dietetic nutrition and, and the hygienic paper. – Average, the Americans only take advantage 0.6% of the savings offered by means of the formula of the coupon of discount.
– In 2010, each American citizen received from average a supply of 1,677 dollars in savings by means of coupons of discount. Nevertheless, the real saving was of only 10.57 dollars by person. – The user of coupons of discount has a well-off profile more and more. In fact, they are the families with more than 105,000 dollars of annual income the most predisposed to use coupons of discount. – The families with more than 100,000 dollars of annual income have the double of probabilities of using a coupon of discount that those with annual income inferiors to the 35,000 dollars.
– Also, the people with university studies have the double of probabilities of exchanging to a coupon of discount that those that did not finish the baccalaureate. – fever of the coupons of discount is also affecting youngest. 60% of the adolescents among 13 and 17 years almost use coupons of discount. – The clothes (25%), the entertainment (19%) and the products of beauty (18%) are the areas that they more attract the adolescents at the time of using coupons of discount. – In 2011, one of each five proprietors of smartphones used coupons of discounts for restaurants, which supposes an increase of the 117% with respect to 2010. – In 2009, the access online to coupons of discount increase in a 92%, whereas the exchange online of coupons of discount increased in a 360%. Even so, Internet represents solely the 1.5% of the global exchange of coupons of discount. 89% of the coupons of discounts are distributed through the traditional channels. – One hopes that in the 2014 number of users of coupons of discount for moving bodies multiplies by thirteen.