One of the largest webmasters and responsible site concerns is be listed in Google results. Apparently, Google delayed the inclusion of new sites in the SERPs (Search Engine Result Page) to stimulate the creation of genuine content, and avoid the creation of fraudulent sites whose only mission is to shore up the positioning of other sites. The idea is to avoid to create networks of sites with different domains whose intention is to create networks of links not genuine. This effect is called Sandbox effect, or litter box (where children play). Other browsers don’t show this delay in the inclusion of new sites, so it is common be listed in Yahoo or Bing, before Google. Google also detects changes in the sites, and tries to discern if they are superficial or background, and where they affect the general direction of the page. If the change is very drastic, Google also apply the sandbox effect, playing it is actually a new website.
This does not mean that we should stop updating the content of the site, on the contrary. New content is indexed more quickly, and favours a better web positioning. But it is necessary to be careful with fundamental changes. For example change dramatically in the density of the keywords, or a radical change in them could be interpreted as if it were a new site. For this reason, many webmasters believe that buying a pre-existing domain we can trick Google believing that you it’s the same site that has changed.
Google also detects changes to the hosting servers. For this reason, it is important from the outset to host the site on a server that we trust, to avoid having to make the change once we have a wealth of interesting traffic. Undoubtedly, such actions will hurt our positioning. So, a combination fatal would be change of server, while we make significant changes to the text on the site. We caeriamos under the filter of the sandbox effect, and would lose the possibility of appearing in Google results for a few months. By radical changes in the text we mean changes in the topics on which the site is. Remember that Google has become extremely good at recognizing issues and perform semantic associations between words. What to do if a site falls under the sandbox effect? Do not despair. Really little that can be done. To return as quickly as possible to the SERPs, the best is to work a good network of quality links (or occurs with farms of links or sites of dubious reputation), fill with content relevant to the site, and work on your optimization to make it fully compatible with Google and other browsers. If you liked this post and want to place it on your site, you can do so smoothly, provided you cite as a source to original author and source of the article.