As he has shown the film with Tom Cruise, born July 4, not it takes to discover what living a war. An adventure, in some cases, an entire country-backed becomes unpopular when they begin to uncover the lies on which it was mounted and, above all, when not arrive fast and secure victory that guaranteed the Government. My Lai and Abu Ghraib, uncover the torture, barbarity, the death of civilians, children, elderly and women. Once they discovered the lie, citizens condemn the war and soldiers returning, in many cases mutilated and disabled. There are more than 30 armed conflicts in the world. The consequences for thousands of soldiers and bodies peacekeepers who witness brutalities are the same for the armies in Iraq and Afghanistan than the rest. However, the human losses and destruction of the liberated countries prevent that talk about the psychological effects of war on the invading soldiers.
They arouse little sympathy and little popularity have mental health issues that could undermine the patriotism of the troops when terrorism is the main threat and security the single end of the State, according to politicians and the media that seconded them. In addition, the legitimacy of Governments to go to war is based on a false notion of security which sold to citizens. A security that has as price the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians at the hands of soldiers who were refugiaran in the Prozac, violence and self-destruction when they return home, unless they have the appropriate supports. I never understood why society was not able to assimilate those who came back; I only ask that does not happen the same with those who are fighting in Iraq, says the veteran of Viet Nam Richard Barrett. Not just those soldiers offer the encouragement they received before the crusade.
It’s alert from the civil society about the manipulation of certain politicians backed by the media to carry out reprehensible wars no longer by unpopular, but unfair. Carlos a. Miguelez MonroyPeriodistaccs@solidarios. org. It is the center of solidarity collaborations (CCS), is a service of social awareness of the solidarity NGOs, in order to inform and sensitize society and communication professionals in themes of solidarity, social, justice for a culture of peace, in defense of human rights, with special emphasis on the fight against poverty, exclusion and the protection of the environment. The CCS is based on the fundamental need to integrate information development and communication as an element of cooperation. Through its analysts make articles in professional format of high journalistic quality adapted to the spaces of the media and disseminated them through their international networks. In the CCS website (www. solidarity. org. is) all items, produced to date, classified by thematic areas can be found. Blogs related magazine Fusion Blog Archive military arrest three people the power of the nightmares Adam Curtis ‘ NoticiasERB earthquake, human rights and a pistol in the throat ‘ Center ArmLite AR-15, M16 vs Kalashnikov AK-47 Prepa PLS Anglais Murio a girl to confuse a real with one of the Wii gun Shocking news and curiosities. Archive the unusual Operation Kandahar is go curiosities Video the blind soldier who sees with the language – an Argentine football draws a pistol to defend themselves against his The Koran and the Kalashnikov Documentary