Through proper mobilization and coordination of departments above referred to, and no more cost than you usually have it; This could generate an efficient alternative for the promotion of the domestic economy. In similar terms we could refer to the provincial governments and municipal. Today virtually no remaining elementary schools in national jurisdiction. Almost all are in provincial jurisdiction. In our opinion, the elementary school, it would be an unavoidable component of any system that vertebre to promote the domestic economy. Teachers, already retired, know; what I am referring: to those school gardens; that they persist in some places, and that he knew promote the defunct National Council of education.
The child who learn the culture of the domestic economy, the spread in their homes. The cooperative, that forced the school complement, is the ideal field, for parents to also participate in the promotion of the domestic economy. And in this respect I want to be clear. Primary school, with the assistance of the cooperative must propagate the culture of the domestic economy so that learners carried their respective families. The school garden to serve to address the operation of the canteen, is a complementary objective. I would not like to confuse the educational task to strengthen household economies, consolidating the social organization of the country; with some attempts of collectivist bias, which are packed attempts at collective farms by luck, as we insinuabamos above, are proliferating similar initiatives which we encourage here. Pure rational that pretend to be one, it seems convenient that there existed a program, directive or guidance in the matter. However, We are inclined by reconciling the promotion of the domestic economy, with deregulation, privatization and demonopolization, seeking in summary the primacy of the market and competition. The progressive implementation of the domestic economy, should be marked by creativity and decentralization. Every family lives in a geographical environment that determines their possibilities and limitations.