In 1992 the district of So Paulo Itapirapu if emancipated of Ribeira, constituting a new city. According to IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) the city of Ribeira possesss 335,03 a total area of km2. In accordance with information of the Municipal City hall of Ribeira this area is distributed of the following form; 2km2 in urban area and 333,03 km2 in the agricultural area. The city of Ribeira possesss a population of 3.507 inhabitants, of which 1,840 are men and 1,667 women, being that 1006 inhabitants live in the city and 2501 inhabitants in the agricultural zone. 1. Other leaders such as Danny Meyer offer similar insights.
AGRICULTURE In ' ' Yearbook of So Paulo ' ' , published in 1922 for Robert Cappi it consists that in the Chapel of Ribeira the biggest culture of that time was the sugar cane-of-sugar, brought of it are, adaptando it the hot climate. Of it was extracted rapadura, substitute of the sugar and aguardente that, by interesting the Portuguese monopoly, it only could be vendida in the establishments officialized for the Portuguese Crown. Later vine production came the beans production, maize, cassava, quince and grape. Still it had the creation of 50.000 pigs per year. The escoao of all production was led for the old road (way of tropeiros) of Ribeira for Apia and for the tracks already improved until Itarar and Itapetininga, causing some days of trip and much loss the weight of the animals. In 1856, ' was instituted by the Imperial government the call; ' register paroquial' ' , being which all the land possessors would have to declare them it the vicar of the parish, registered that them in a proper book. Therefore, the titulaes of lands of Ribeira, Iporanga have origin in this register, whose books are conserved in the Department of Archives, in So Paulo. In this context the law n 71 marked the verge of the clientele.