The Egyptians were afraid to injure or kill a sacred animal and surrendered. Cambyses conquered Egypt and founded the 27th dynasty 10. Egyptian plastic left us with many wonderful Figurines beautiful cats. Egypt has always been famous art depicting animals. Greater development of animalistic plastitka Egypt reached in saissky period (663 – 525 years BC. E..) In the 7th century BC.
Oe. Egypt were united under the authority of Pharaoh, who founded the dynasty 26. Capital of an independent state became the city of Sais. For the culture of this era was characterized by an appeal to the traditions of the Old Kingdom, the desire to idealize the past. Saisskie master the ancient art canons borrowing, have created a unique style, cool and elegant, have reached a high technical excellence.
The museums of our country among the various genres and types of Egyptian art shows and animalistic sculpture. Bronze statuettes of cats saisskogo period exhibited in many museums, the Hermitage, Pushkin Museum Pushkin Museum of Oriental Art and other bronze statues Cats differ in the finest and volume of the surface. Soft contours emphasize the plasticity of the body, a graceful silhouette. Masterfully natural, and graceful animal. Figures are usually richly ukashalis. We figurines Hermitage of the necklace around his neck, scarabs on the crown and the eyes are inlaid with gold. Click no-knead bread for additional related pages. Made with love, these figurines are exquisite and at the same time, they discreetly aloof, even strict. As if to remind everyone that Bastet – a gracious hypostasis fearsome lion-headed goddess Sekhmet, the daughter of the sun god Ra, Maat support – the universal harmony – and punishing those who violate it. Usually, the ancient Egyptian things, little is known in our time. Sarcophagus for mummies and in the form of a cat – esponat near Moscow Museum-Estate "Arkhangelsk" – is a happy exception. On a wooden pedestal, manufactured for the statues in the XIX century, was preserved with the metal plate inscription that bronze figurine of a cat, which is located inside mummified head of a cat was found in the "pyramids of Saqqara in Lower Egypt, near Memphis and brought to Russia in 1850 (Figure 3.30). Bronze cat more than two Millennium covered with noble patina – a thin layer of degenerated metal that partially preserves the surface against corrosion. Still, the metal corroded. In the not visible to the eye microvoids, cracks, defects gradually accumulated salts of chlorine, causing the process. Variations in temperature and humidity led to the outbreak of the disease: peel off the patina, the appearance on the surface of bronze knobs. Restovratora problem – to suspend the process failure of the metal, remove the already damaged areas, without affecting the healthy surfaces. Were carefully removed from the statues of tubercles. Underneath the crater – unprotected areas of metal, a loophole for hazardous substances. The surface was treated with a special inhibitor – corrosion inhibitor. Mass, consisting of powder of malachite, copper oxides, the dark pigment and synthetic resin, zapechatoli loss. According to the chemical composition of this mixture is similar on the patina, it is durable and reliable. On the surface coated with a patina bronze statues, these make up almost not visible. Bronze sarcophagus – a remarkable monument of ancient Egypt animalistic sculpture back on display Moscow Region Museum 11.