About 50 percent BKK24 want to eat according to a survey of health insurance healthier OBERNKIRCHEN in future. More than half of German consumers seriously warnings about the health risks of extremely high at us meat consumption. In an online survey of BKK24 54.6 percent of the participants announced that in the future more on a healthy diet to make sure. Medical and nutritional scientists from Europe, Japan and the United States warned for years, that through the consumption of beef, pig and other red meats especially the colon and stomach cancer risk dramatically rise. 100 grams raise disease risk by 50 percent and the possibility of an early death by 31 percent on the day. That’s why researchers from Harvard, according to their findings the BKK24 as the only German health insurance live 14 years longer the prevention programme “has evolved, maximum limits defined: an average 300 grams of meat per week should be barely tolerated for women and 600 grams for men.
However, the majority of users far beyond: 60.5 kilograms in the year ended up on the plate, and for many it is still alright: 38 percent of respondents think the warnings of experts fear-mongering. The trend is still noticeable to greater health awareness with the health insurance fund. Several thousand insured have enrolled at rising in the program and get individual guidelines for the diet, for the movement behavior, as well as dealing with addiction and tobacco. Those interested are surprised that we preach no surrender”, says Board Member Friedrich Schutte. The Advisory Team of the BKK24 as already recipe plans were sent out with meat dishes, also has anyone corrupted appetite on the glass of red wine. This involves detailed knowledge”, so next Schutte. So the cash-new Harvard Medical School there are reports, according to which meat only to be hazardous to health by industrial processing to sausage and other products.