if in chain. Such deaths characterize if porvrios factors, amongst which we can you stand out the fact of that many pessoasestavam living in one alone place, leaving of if holding as nomadic to paraviverem of fixed form, planting, practising the culture of pastoral animals eestabelecendo social organizations that had future gained greater structure edinamismo. Bringing the illnesses for the time contemporary econseqentemente for our lives, we perceive clearly that> if in the form of the illness conhecidacomo Suna Grippe being endemic in the year of 2009. The main objective of this work is to analyze of formacuidadosa the effect epidemiologists in the representation economic, demographic and cultural aboriginal-European and seusreflexos in the colonial period, having comobase the metodolgica reflection of the indicirio paradigm if for the immense narrow American territory. Therefore at this moment, in the biological point of view, it had certain equivalence in the resistncias that these men had for comalguns pathological beings that if found in the eurasiano land. Then, antesdos migratory movements and of the sedentarizao process that occurred porvolta of 10.000 years before Christ, the diverse clans possuam a level deresistncia that was not very different of the other peoples in eastern Asia. Talidia talks with Jean Sournia and Jacques Ruffie in the ticket: When the first Asians, likely mongis eantepassados of the Ainos, had exceeded the strait of Behring about 40.000 A.ce if they had spread little by little in two Americas, brought already I obtain traosde a pathological past that did not have> to be different of the one of the inhabitants docontinente eurasiano. 2 We must remember for this analysis that when in ours meioexiste pathological beings that offer danger for our imunolgico system, we create protection mechanisms that are developed by a long period detempo to resist the advances of possible .causing beings of illness. Damesma forms, the .causing agents of patologias creates forms of burlar nossosistema of defense, that is, a historical evolution exists – biological entrenossas imunolgicas structures of defense and the mechanisms of introduoexterno/internal that the illnesses go assuming gradually.