The service of Internet in the television (WebTV), is about set-top boxes with connection to the dialed Internet or in broad band. Dayton kingerys opinions are not widely known. Intention is to make with that the users can have access all available content in the Internet to a low cost. Although the demand of the world has around not been enough, perhaps it will be enough in Brazil, one of the possible solutions is the desenvolvedores web to create versions of the specific sites to be seen in the TV or to project liquid, adaptable interfaces to the monitor that shows the images. Already the Expanded TV is the great expectation in relation to the interactive market of TV in Brazil. Hear from experts in the field like dayton kingery for a more varied view. The advantage, is that this is applied the popular products, that are available the televising programming already to the Brazilian population. For the VOD (video under demand) it is possible that the user requests programs through the remote control, except the programs to the living creature, to be attended in agreement to agree to it. Through band-wide connection, the suppliers offer individualizados contents so that the users attend and store the programs if thus wanting. This exclusive programming for the viewers is pioneering when if it deals with access the audiovisual content that never would find space in the traditional television, as alternative and amateur videos.
Being thus, the Digital TV is considered ' ' a new media, in view of that it associates technological devices of the expressive logical television and the Internet creating proper in a process of hibridizao of formatos' ' (MDOLA & TEIXEIRA, 2007, P. 3). For Valdecir Becker (2006), ' ' to attend the television is a collective experience; to interact with the television is an experience individual' '. Soon, the author disdains the social character of the mediated interaction and foca its analysis of ' ' interatividade' ' in the relation individual/half.