
Christians are a group of people who congregate in one place and are determined to exalt and glorify the name of Jesus, Christianity is a semi-monotheistic religion which splintered off of the Jewish religion. It is based on the recognition of Jesus of Nazareth as its founder, who was a Jewish scholar who rebeled against Judaism, founding his own religion. With more than 2,100 million followers, or about one third of the world’s population, Christianity was born in Judea, Christianity was born 50 days after the resurrection of Jesus (the day of Pentecost). That would be between 30 AD to 35 AD., During the history there were who they said Christian churches, but they were (but were separate sects of Christianity …. like Catholicism and Protestantism). You could say that Catholicism is the oldest sect (founded in the second century by Ignatius), but not Christians because they follow the footsteps of Christ or the early Christians. So the Christian religion is one, and its beginnings date back to the first century Through the story was weakening further, but for the nineteenth century and returned with great force Today is installed around the world, preaching the coming Kingdom of God (as did the early Christians ….) our central figure is Jesus of Nazareth, today there are many religions that call themselves Christian, but some are only sects who do not teach properly the way of salvation, true Christians show Jesus as the only savior of the world and that without Jesus there is salvation, true Christians deviate from the things that jesus stipulated that no one does, nowadays there are many who call themselves Christians, but in reality they are not, because they do not depart from sin, today there are many branches of Christianity, Pentecost, Baptist, Apostolic, Pentecostal, met odistas and many others. Christianity is divided into two branches Oneness Christians and Christians Trinitarians, Oneness Christians believe that Jesus is one and that the father and the Holy Spirit are the same Jesus, and Cren Trinidad’s father and the Holy Spirit are two people jesus is separated from other, there is much controversy vase that topic, however, two groups, to receive Jesus as the sole and sufficient Savior.. .