This portrait shows one of the muses and lovers of the painter from Malaga, Marie-Therese Walter, represented as a sculptural bust. Picasso made a series of sculptures in plaster in which recreated to Walter, and shortly thereafter was devoted to transfer these creations to his paintings. Malaga had known Walter in 1927, when she was 17 years old, and they began a clandestine romance. The box of Pablo Picasso Nature morte aux tulipes, which represents one of the mistresses of the painter, was sold Thursday at a price of Hammer of 37 million dollars (29 million euros) at an auction held in New York by Sotheby s House fall season. This portrait shows one of the muses and lovers of the Malaga painter (1881-1973), Marie-Therese Walter, who became an important flow of inspiration for his genius and that, in this case, is depicted as a bust sculptural. This young woman, with her Greek profile, was the model for the most outstanding achievements of Picasso on several supports, and Nature morte aux tulipes is one example of this, since the artist first made a sculpture of Marie-Therese, who then he painted as a still life with a high sexual charge, explained the director of the Department of Sotheby s, Simon Shaw of impressionism.
Throughout 1931, Picasso began performing a series of sculptures in plaster in which recreated to Walter, and shortly thereafter was devoted to transfer these creations to his paintings, among them Nature morte aux tulipes, which formed part of a major retrospective of the artist organized in Paris and Zurich in 1932. Malaga had known Walter in 1927, when she was 17 years old, and they began a clandestine affair, since at that time Picasso was still married to Olga Khokhlova, and devoted himself to paint on a study that was purchased in 1930, in Boisgeloup, where hiding all evidence of their relationship. This painting He had come to auction in 2000, when it was sold for $ 28.6 million, and tonight, with a price of Hammer of 37 million dollars and 41.5 million coupled with the commissions and fees from the auction house, stayed away from expectations, since it was valued at up to $ 50 million. See more: A portrait of Picasso is auctioned in New York by 37 million dollars, less than expected.