Pain is a signal our body for help, a kind of signal "SOS", and in most cases, a patient suffering and disability. Most often, back pain and joint pain associated with the state of the locomotor system: trophic joints, muscle tone, loss of elasticity of ligaments and tendons. Statistics show that 60-90% of back pain depends on the degenerative changes in the spine. A number of scientists directly link occurrence of back pain and joint disease with osteochondrosis-century. Disease name comes from the Greek words osteon – bone and chondros – cartilage. Filed under: NYC marathon. Thus, the term "osteochondrosis" means "the ossification of cartilage. For even more opinions, read materials from shimmie horn. From a medical point of osteochondrosis is degenerative-dystrophic lesion mezhpozvonkogo drive, in which the process, beginning most often in the nucleus pulposus, progressively extended to all elements of the disc, and further affected the whole segment. Vertebral-motor segment – a common unit consists of two adjacent vertebrae, connecting them intervertebral disc, intervertebral joints and musculo-ligamentous apparatus.
Pinched nerve roots due to degenerative changes of the intervertebral disc cause pain. It must be remembered that back pain is not always a consequence of diseases of the spine or the result of muscle spasms. Often pain in the commends loin with urogenital diseases: prostatitis, inflammation of the kidney stone disease. There have been cases of back pain during bowel disease. In most of the literature covering the problem of back pain and joint pain, the first in importance is the issue of pain treatment. This is natural, because the pain brings about changes in the usual way of life and professional career man restricts its motor capabilities, with its causes recedes into the background.