In the case of an artist, musician and poet, he worked more frequently the right cerebral hemisphere. We are always talking about people who use half of your body or right hemibody origin with greater skill, commonly those called dexterous. For left-handers, according to some research occurs the same thing, but in reverse. Where the left cerebral hemisphere acts imagining and creating, while the right feels logical and rational way. The four functions of awareness for a better understanding of the awareness, we will describe its four functions. (1) Thinking: It is characterized by a permanent use of thought and reason.
(2) Feeling: There is a predominance of emotions, feelings and moods. (3) Sensopercibir: Work primarily the senses (vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch) and their perception (colour, noise, smells, taste and body contact). New York Museums is the source for more interesting facts. There is much interest in the world of the material (houses, cars, objects in general, everything to do with nature, etc). (4) Intuit: There are situations which we can not perceive them through the senses (vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch) but we Intuit them despite everything (essential or spiritual type issues). There are people who like dominance thinking and hard time to express his true feelings. Others are governed by the feel, where everything that happens in life, living very movingly, as if it were a matter of life or death. There are those that are handled in the world of sensations and perceptions (sensopercibir), giving much importance to material things. Finally there are those who can Intuit or put your full attention not in material things, but in the essence or spiritual.
Then there are those who are only handled by logic and reason (left in right-handers and left-handers right cerebral hemisphere), and so also we can find that only create, imagine and imagine interests them (cerebral hemisphere in the right-handed left and right in left-handers). Some tips to keep in mind: 1) self-observation begin to observe us, to realize which of the four functions of our consciousness (thinking, feeling, perceiving and Intuit) govern our lives. (2) Prevalence of any cerebral hemisphere with respect to the dominance of one hemisphere of the brain, may wonder: I tend to be very logical and rational?, I’m imagining and creating permanently? (3) We discover self-discovery by ourselves, if we usually have many ideas (thinking) or if they dominate the emotions (feel). You can that contact with material things and feelings that makes us interests us much (sensopercibir), or that need to be continuously in search of the spiritual (Intuit). Maybe we love numbers and logic or We have a strong tendency to imagination and creativity. When we discovered it, try to further develop the function we use less and that way get a true emotional harmonization. It is essential that the use of the cerebral hemispheres and the four functions of consciousness are well balanced, given that overuse of any of them bring us out of the internal harmonization. It is very necessary to think with logic and rationality, and thus also create, imagine and Intuit. Also be able to express what we feel, enjoying the sensations and the material world, without forgetting the essential or spiritual.