In this design, design and content were perfectly matched. So it went on the first day in the communications arena about the hell of meeting the meeting of heaven and the second day in the open room-in-room installations. With the venues of old pawnshop, Rheinloft Cologne, exquisite, design quarter field of honour and the New Yorker. DOCK.The MICE Club five exciting event and off locations, which were sometimes even the present Cologne unknown recorded ONE. Key content elements were three compact Themenclouds meeting architecture”, themed destination? Themed venues”and be here? Be now”and two so-called MICE Labs”? thematically structured supplier presentations with interactive sessions. This rather untypical for traditional conferences work in small groups came in the buyers good at: MICE Labs, the ice between the participants was broken in a playful way. We could us a self-organised and determine the substantive direction.
Thus an interaction which actually went up on our current requirements”, said Stefan Blasius, who was marketing and more on the ground as a freelance Project Manager event on behalf of the Agency. Workshop atmosphere instead of spraying a load-bearing element of MICE club concept was the active involvement of the participants. You were asked to actively participate in the proposed content and tools, and to assess. So two different networking and matchmaking methods have been tried, for example, in the labs of the MICE. While a methodically highly structured and guided by questions variant among the participants was great approval, was a more open, more random child version of the participants less positively. Showed the Themencloud themed destination that substantive participation in large groups can work? Themed venues”by Rolf Gruber and URS Seiler. So the desire of the participants expressed the day before was picked up after editing a specific case example unceremoniously on the following day.
Manu Jebram, Managing Director of the Hamburg-based agency of kuk live GmbH, summed up: the MICE Club has kept his promise to offer a completely new format. Has me convinced about, that the architecture of meeting themed on the first day was made immediately tangible. Especially the second day has me brought further content. “I personally have an event of this type not seen so and can really recommend the event.” MICE Club? The entire meeting architecture was 365 days online network supported by the special MICE Club app. These served not only to the General networking, but was targeted during the entire event to the control of the working groups and to the participation of matchmaking. The innovative tool goes hand in hand with the online portal of the MICE clubs, which the industry throughout the year a news magazine with daily industry news, special reports, industry events and Opinion articles and provides a comprehensive directory of providers with innovative search mechanism. In a password-protected area of the Club for MICE Club members it also valuable functions can provide, including a sectoral contact network, planning AIDS for daily work, interesting added value tools like about a viable legal initial assessment a specialist law firm, as well as free subscriptions of leading journals. Participants of MICE Club events are automatically members for a year. Interested parties were not at its debut in Cologne, can register directly at.