The work of all director is the consecusin of objectives. All that can include such accomplishment, does feeling equal interest by the human objectives like by those of economic order. Its attitude towards those to that directs, influences its acts. There is then obligation to help them then to that they get to be more productive, more valuable, worthier of themselves and of its company, when being achieving its personal objectives and those of the Nunca company we are worth of the people, nor we tried to have more of them; it is instructed to them, it inspired and it stimulated obtaining so ” quieran” to make the things. Not that they must do them. The most important task of the Leader is to cause that the people are realised and been successful, so that unique these people will reach important results. In order to obtain the greater yield we must know how like stimulating them to a major effort-for which we must know its intentions, objectives of personal and professional order and what think of the work which they realise. Its aspirations and the reach of its ambition.
We must know that the familiar life is something that it affects its work. To include/understand which is fight spirit – or absence of this one. Briefly we must know that ” mueve” to our men. We must treat them according to its form to be. The conditions under which it works, are not only logic question, but also a problem of emotional order. We must then approach us them, understand them and be able well to stimulate to them under different circumstances. Work impelled by different reasons, these come from their interior. Reason is everything what from his interior it urges to him the action. All motivation is ” car-motivacin”. Discovering that it motivates to them we will be in capacity to help them to obtain what they look for in the life.