Writing with much soltura, the gospel of Lucas is a structured work and ordinate in which they appear with clarity the diverse stages of the ministry of Jesus. Some specialists call to this gospel like the Gospel of the Mercy. They call it thus because the news of the salvation is offered to which wishes to accept it. Lucas directs east gospel to the second Christian generation that immersed and was confused so much in cultural and political contexts of the Roman empire and to the nonJewish Christians of that one time. Lucas tries to attract this people again and begins to tell related histories to the life of Jesus. Its work is made up of two volumes. The gospel of Lucas and the book of Facts.
From the point of view of Lucas, it says that the history of the old testament, of which she was an expert faithful, is not only a succession of events, but the space where the Plan of God is realised. This plan consists of saving the men. Lc. 2; 11 Today a Salvador has been born them in the city of David, who is Christ the Gentleman. Lucas tries to count the main moments in the life of Jesus and makes see the universal reach of the Divine salvation and emphasizes that the salvation of God this in Jesus and not in Rome. Lucas mentions that the time of the church begins when Jesus disappears of history and is promoted to the sky; it is then when the salvation is offered to all the men.