How Not To Forget Foreign Language

Classes in any language schools aim to develop the four basic skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. Some students are much better read than spoken, others happy to say, but poorly written, and others with hard to understand quickly the foreign language. At the lessons the teacher clearly visible 'weaknesses' of each student, he knows whom and at what point should give a good exercise for the student does not fall behind the group. So hour after hour skills brought to the automaticity and are generated the same "level of foreign ownership ', which allows to communicate fluently in English with foreign colleagues and friends can easily read the foreign press and to use Internet, in a word, to be modern and well-educated man. If, however, consistently failed to practice a foreign language is forgotten, and in the first place is lost Loose skills. Do not want to learn all over again? Not too lazy to train their own, in addition, language practice – a lively and fascinating process, where there are exercises for every taste. The easiest way – is, of course, reading foreign literature, and press. The question of 'what to read? " everyone decides for himself.

If you like detective stories, mysticism and fairy tales, pick books of these genres, and in English. The main thing is that to start the text was not too difficult, but increased with the complexity gain experience. Many classic novels by British and American authors, it is easy to find in the special editions tailored for students who know the language, for example at the level of Intermediate. .