The main advantage of this type of study is the ample inquiry of phenomena by means of research in elaborated materials already, making possible perfectioning of ideas previously established, having as objective to find answers to the formulated problems and the resource is the consultation of bibliographical documents (HART; PERVIAN 2002, P. 88). 3. HISTORY OF the DOMICILIARY ATTENDANCE the domiciliary attendance appeared in England of sec. XIX with the creation of particular companies of domiciliary assistance that searched health professionals, as nurses, to compose its team, between them nurse Florence Nightingale (CARLETTI; REJANI, 1996, P. 47; DUARTE; DIOGO, 2005. P. 5).
Still according to authors, the United States doctors, nurses and cuidadoras women, of the postwar period, suffering influence of the English model started to carry through particular consultations the patients who paid its honorary they directly, that is, practise developing it of the Home American Care. Century XIX also was landmark of the preventive character of the domiciliary assistance, through the work carried through for the nurses of the area of public health, created in result of the high index of individuals acometidos for infectum-contagious illnesses. One perceived that the actions domiciliary were more effective for the control of the epidemics of what traditional methods to the time, as the forty days. (MENDES JNIOR, 2001) As it advocates Mendes Jnior (2001), probably the first planned activity of domiciliary assistance in our country, was the Service of Domiciliary Medical Assistance and Urgncia (SAMDU), created in 1949, in Rio De Janeiro, for requirement of the Unions of the Workers of Maritime, unsatisfied Transports with the attendance of effective urgency. Important to stand out that the SAMDU contemplated regular domiciliary visits for doctors, to the patients with chronic illnesses, amongst them cardiac insufficience, diabetes, blockage of the urinrias ways and other afeces. No longer Brazil meets the first hospital with registers of this domiciliary assistance in Rio De Janeiro in the year of 1949 with called service SAMDU (Service of Assistance Medicates To domiciliate and of Urgency), on to the Ministry of the Work corroborating the idea of the social welfare that had intention to take care of to the workers with social signed wallet register, occurring visits domiciliary the previdencirios patients who presented chronic illnesses.