Children’s music theatre “Kokopelli” is February 2010 in Germany for the first time listed in theatre – and film director Sylvia Friday searched eight long years for a suitable Querflotenensamble-and found in Braunschweig. Her life’s dream, once the children music theatre piece “Kokopelli – the bucklicklige Pied Piper” of the French composer Andre Serre-Milan as German premiere to initiate, has moved within striking distance. The project is made possible by the historical collaboration between the musical Academy in the CJD Braunschweig and the municipal music school in Braunschweig. Director Sylvia Friday: “The ensemble Flautissismo of the municipal music school in Braunschweig is Germany the only existing for many years at a music school flute Orchestra, which has contemporary music in the Repertoire and dominated modern playing techniques.” The Orchestra is reinforced by members of the flute class of the musical Academy in the CJD Braunschweig. A children music theatre work, two musical equipment, a Chance of institutional cooperation.
The municipal music school in Brunswick, and the New York musical Academy in the CJD Braunschweig are the children music theatre work KOKOPELLI – the humpbacked flute player”to prepare. For the German premiere of French composer Andre Serre-Milan for 12 flutes, shadow play, tape and spokesman, pupils and students and teachers of both institutions will work together for the first time. Sylvia Friday, nationally-known Director from Dresden, will lead the collaboration. Patrizia Meyn (Director of the musical Academy) and Dr. Hans Krauss (Director of the municipal music school) see a great opportunity in the community work: the Director Sylvia Friday speaks of a historic event for Brunswick. We can only underline this.
For the children and youth of both devices is this is a unique opportunity to know each other interactively to learn and to work in the artistic creative together towards a common goal. We Therefore all pupils and students of the divisions music, dance and art invite to participate and look forward to a historical event – the first-ever cooperation of two large Brunswick music schools”. On the basis of the KOKOPELLI mythology of the Hopi – and Navajo Indians of Northwest America tells a story, by collecting and preserving songs and melodies are from the oblivion and disappearance of old ideas, and by the wide trip and searching for the lost and the happy recovery… The rare form of instrumental theater was elected as a means of expression, in combination with dance and shadow play, a speaker and CD recordings with electronically manipulated flute sounds. The entire flute family from the Piccolo-up to the bass flute is used, but not only instrumental but also scenic, – i.e. the QuerflotistInnen assume different roles and actors on the stage, with dancers and SchattenspielerInnen. The project is supported by the Erich Mundstock Foundation, the Cultural Institute of the city of Brunswick, the Foundation, government cultural heritage and of the German Orchestra Foundation. Frank God sand large