SECRETARIAT OF SOCIAL DEFENSE MILITARY POLICY OF PERNAMBUCO PROGRAM OF PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION COURSE OF FORMATION OF INSTRUCTORS OF I TRANSIT INTRODUCTION In the world contemporary of great transformations, we live deeply a great traumatic factor of this new millenium, making with that let us ask in them: How I will be able to survive in Brazilian Transito? The reply for this it is Easy, is enough to terms an Education for the Transit of quality. Exceeding the statisticians of the existing wars in the globe, as well as, with the diverse existing diseases, the Brazilian Transit is seen, as sufficiently dangerous, chaotic and today responsible for one of the biggest indices of violence and accidents with fatal victims. Being thus, even so our Great Letter of 1988 guarantees the right to the Education and inside of this context, it meets Education for the Transit, and, even so inherent the existing investitures to the education for the transit already are present in diverse cities of our Brazil, this work will be innovative not alone in the city of Olinda, as well as in all the State of Pernambuco where it will serve as base for the too much cities, in way that the knowledge and the proportionate innovations for the subject ' ' trnsito' ' , they are of reach of all the Brazilians, without distinction of races, color or partner-economic condition. With the creation of the Law n 9,503, of 23 of September of 1997, was instituted in our country a new current law, in order to doutrinar and to discipline our transit. Here it is, then, the sprouting of the Code of Brazilian Trnsito (CTB). In what it says respect to the education for the transit, this code presents an exclusive chapter on such subject, moment where to foresee parameters to promote to the education of transit, being approached teachings that rescue to the citizenship, being the transit, in safe conditions, a right of all and to have with priority of the National System of Transit ( SINATRAN). Such parameters, referring to the Education for the Transit, can be seen in the CTB of Article 74 to the 79. Being associated, still, to Article 320 of the same code, which mentions the FUNSET to it (Deep National of Security, Engineering and Education for the Transit). This work has a social context, come back toward the people of Olinda, that, with the full activation of the actions of security guard and deriving education of the Municipalizao of the transit, needs a Center Interescolar Olindense de Ensinamentos of the Transit (CIOETran), where comes to awake, to improve and better to acquire knowledge the olindense people for the diverse existing situations in the Transit and, in special, the transit of Olinda. We will approach justifications for the Creation of a Center Directed toward studies and education for p transit, as well as, we will explain that, with the Creation of the CIOETran, the low income population of the city, will be able to have one better access to get its qualification Conduction To propagate through the City, where obeyed some criteria, the community will receive the orientaes necessary to become responsible conductors in order to value the transit norms, to improve its spirit of Citizenship, to inside improve the trafegabilidade of the city, diminishing the number of accidents and preserving the life in general way.