More than 15 years of trajectory they endorse the experience in cross-border operations of investment (to cross-border) of Capital Braxton (, a holding company of specialized international businesses in specialized in Corporate Finance to cross-border and international advising. The expansion of their fiscal and financial services through offices in Asia, Europe and America allows him to present/display to their clients an ample range of supplies of investment in societies and bottoms in middle market, with support of partners and strategic investors, that they add value to his products, at the same time as they allow him to globalise the perspective of his business. Recent operations of financial market have demanded connections between as distant countries as Germany, Australia, China and The United States, which has been possible thanks to the development of the diversified network of businesses of Capital Braxton. North America continues being the destiny potentially more challenger for the risk capital, especially for the European investors who are in constant exploration of better yields. In the case of the industrial clients, the interest concentrates mainly in diversifying its portfolio of businesses, to maintain a flow constant of acquisitions and sales that allow him to take advantage of the advantages the fluctuations of the market.
The market of investors of Asia, in the heat of expansion, is interested in opportunities of acquisition of western companies, especially in the sectors of energy, technology and raw materials. Capital Braxton has demonstrated capacity to identify supplies of transaction adapted each group of interest, especially by the diversification geographic of its services. As far as the tendencies of the investors in Latin America, the reports of Capital Braxton indicate an increasing interest in the investments through risk capital organizations, thus their advisers are developing propose destined to cover the demands of this market..