How and where are assessment Center evolved? More and more companies today employ Assessment Center to the selection of suitable candidates. Learn more about this with shimmie horn. Especially higher tasks and leadership positions, preferably occupied with candidates have proven themselves in assessment centers. But how are assessment Center emerged? Ancestor of all today’s AC officer selection process of the German Wehrmacht were mid of 20s. Gain insight and clarity with Times Square. The goal was to select officers of less to their origin and their noble privileges as to their qualifications. In the second world war, this idea was about England in the United States, where it was used to choose by secret service agents.
The transmission of this group competitions on the economic area, which were called from then on also assessment Center, decisive began progress study of the company AT & T with the so-called management. In this long-term study of 400 executives could prove a prognostic validity that showed a correlation between the overall assessment in the AC and later professional success. This resulted in a rapid spread of the assessment Center in the 1960s. About England, this trend came back to Europe. Today, several hundred companies use assessment centres in Germany. Three partly international congresses on the topic of assessment Center in Germany took place in the year 2001 alone. AC is increasingly used as a tool of for personal development.
Studies show that up to 50% of the companies surveyed use assessment centres. These companies ACs as a development instrument apply up to two-thirds. It can be stated that the assessment Center, despite its name, originally in Germany was developed there refined and exported to America and was transferred to the economy. Today ACs are used in more and more companies worldwide. The trend to assessment centres continues.