The Skill

The reply it was in its eyes. But I caught its shoulder and said: – calm my friend. Pacincia.Deus knows of all the things. No matter how hard I continued saying, no matter how hard I tried to liven up it, my words I would be in I go, therefore the only thing who would console in fact it, was to some km from there. Although my soul wanted to help it, my body was opposing to this aid.

I finished yielding to the desires it body and was even so, not before asking for the Caf (a friend ours that fortunately was passing just in that hour) to take it in its house. Of the skill that was it did not have conditions to make nor number 4 with the legs. It did not imagine that from there only the two days a radical change was gives to happen in its life. In if not treating to economic change, but yes of a turn that its soul in such a way desired: a turn for the love. Two days it lacked for the sky this covered of smoke, and fogos of artifices. It was the new year counting the hours stops of the faces. Perhaps it would be the turn more painful than it would face.

Its spirit had evaporated. Also he was not pra less, at only the 48 hours of the turn of the year arrives the end of its relationship. With that expensive it would go to appear in the street? For it the year had finished at the moment where namoro placed an end point in its. Exactly thus, for insistence of the friends it finished going to see the burning of fogos in the wonderful city. City this that some months behind it rejected, devaluated, said that it did not obtain to enxergar nothing of interesting, of convidativo in that place.