Bubble wrap is used to protect of sensitive merchandise many people use regularly, some only from and to. Everyone is familiar with this product, but nobody has a name for it. What do you call these stable film with the many small air bubbles because again? Oh, that’s right,-the bubble wrap is meant. This practical insulation and protective film with special blast effect, which then again can be experienced, if you placed one of these blisters between your thumb and forefinger and squeezing firm. The same pleasure with the friendly bubble wrap, which these days is celebrating its 50th anniversary, nicknamed “Bubble wrap” simple but precise true.
The English say of course “Bubble Wrap” to this on all side of the two engineers Alfred Fielding and Marc Chavannes invented product that should actually be easily washable and easy to attach wallpaper. It has then become a first-class packaging material with excellent protection for sensitive packaging content of all kinds. So founded in 1960 the company sealed air company, which is busy today with the manufacturing of plastic packaging the two engineers. “Bubble Wrap” has become a veritable art product, and there are constantly new fan sites on the Web to honor this invention. Finally we issued it even in New York as exhibit at the Museum of modern art. Otherwise has precisely in the operation of the Museum and the art market so why almost everyone is saying to do. Germany’s Palm friends are another specialty area, because to bring her up to certain temperatures hardiest palms or other vegetable exotic through the winter, it is used, also very much like to by such specialists because of their insulating effect.