Magazine ‘Worm’ to research and perspectives in cochlear implants and hearing aids what technological developments can be expected in the coming years on cochlear implants (CI) and hearing aids? How to succeed in the specific case that professionals of from different disciplines together handle the supply of impaired persons? What significance within the hearing rehabilitation have additional childcare facilities such as listening training or a psychological care? And it will be soon possible to stimulate the nerve cells required for the hearing, but also with the help of light-emitting diodes not just electronically? “The latest issue of snail” is devoted to current research, the prospects and the challenges in the supply of technical hearing aids. The leading German-language magazine to life with hearing aid/CI opened the glimpse into the future of better hearing in their proven blend of expert contributions and the voices of stakeholders.
The “Wishes that CI and hearing aid wearers at the hearing of the future who are extremely varied: I want to enjoy classical music with cochlear implants”; I want to understand reliable each speaker with the CI in lively roundtables”; My CI processors will automatically adapt to the acoustic environment”are the results of the survey to the CI-rehabilitation, as well as the lifelong CI aftercare, which ran from December 2012-June 2013, the latest worm” brought together. It turned out that the majority of the nearly 270 participants is consistently satisfied. Long professionals, CI carrier as well as CI powered children agree on are that the quality of hearing with cochlear implants is significantly affected by the after-sales service. But as CI-rehabilitation and lifelong CI follow-up in the future should be secured, which is controversial for several years intensively at the Symposium to the CI-rehabilitation of the Germans Cochlear implant Association (DCIG) and the cochlear implant Association Germany (CIV MD) in Leipzig, Germany in mid-November..