Secure EMail Traffic

De-mail pilot project suggests new development emails these days and of course used as paper mail. They are a crucial catch: you are not suitable for confidential messages, because the safe delivery is undetectable and the content can be easily changed. The conventional E-Mail can be compared so well with the postcard that can be read by anyone. That should change now with the development of the so-called de-mail. As the portal for online auctions, resembles a closed letter the new electronic means of communication and thus enables the confidential dispatch of documents and messages. The main advantages are that the user saves time and money.

Electronic mail can be shipped online quickest way regardless opening and waiting times at the store. In addition, postage costs are saved. The contents of the de-mail is encrypted and integritatsgeschutzt, so the messages are not read by others can. As in the postal mail, it is possible to get signed receipts on sending and receiving the message. Access to the mailbox can be done through the familiar Web portals. As the well-known email provider GMX,, T-home and T-systems have involved in the pilot project in Friedrichshafen. A special software ( software/181/kategoriebaum.html) for the use of de-mail has been omitted in the development. The Ministry of the Interior in charge of the project and reported a positive feedback of test persons. About 700 people had already created a mail address. First identified on the Postident procedure or starting in November 2010 with the new ID card is necessary for this purpose.