Three times as large as urban equity during the reconstruction of the Doppersbergs our goal is investment in education, to improve education in the city of Wuppertal. The parents will is paramount in all decisions for us. The demographically induced decline in the number of students to be perceived as an opportunity for more quality. In addition to the positive development of traditional educational institutions we strive for new education”, so the common belief of the CDU Group Chairman Bernhard Simon and his two deputies of Karl Kuhme and Andreas Weigel. ses his thoughts on the topic. Therefore it welcomes the CDU parliamentary group, the city of Wuppertal under the auspices of the competent Director of the school will invest in the next two years some 90 million in education Matthias cam.
Even in times of shortage of funds, we hereby send a clear signal. With the investment, we invest in education in the future of our city. Wuppertal is located in the middle of the structural change of the industry to the Knowledge-based society. Education has therefore with us”priority, Mayor Peter Jung finds a city press release. Come the over 90 million euros, which will be issued in the next two years, according to the school administration from different pots: flow around 7.5 million euros in the extension of the comprehensive schools Vohwinkel and long field. For ensuring the above lunch care February 1, 2011 in all secondary schools, the city raises EUR 13 million from the education allowance. For one million euros, a municipal junior high school (Hohenstein) to the full-time secondary school will be converted for the first time. With around 14 and 36 million euros, you can perform extensive renovation work in the centres of East and West.
In addition EUR 25 million from the economic stimulus package II of the entire infrastructure of educational benefit. A good education is important for the future of our city. This also includes that students can learn in an appropriate environment. Kluge Heads are our capital. “To illustrate the dimension of investment: with around 90 million euros investment in education will be about three times as large as the urban equity during the reconstruction of the Doppersbergs”, school head emphasises Matthias cam (CDU).