Foreign Legion

We continued firm, lpidos and confident, devorando the soil and leaving it stops backwards our track and our footprints We hear a current water sound and few steps later we cross a very clean water stream. Get more background information with materials from Times Square. We decide to stop a little, to take off the footwear and to wet the feet therefore a possibility of this is not very frequent. That frozen water gave an extra breath for all. Five minutes so short but intense, enough time for some jokes on the indumentria of Baruch and its cap of the Foreign Legion with one cortininha behind.

Already we were in return with the solar rays to our napes of the neck. The way was being more inclined and with some untied rocks, with care continues but we did not distinguish the top from the hill, perhaps for the barrier made for the trees, some very high and very copadas. Many meters ahead we locate a bare place that gave access for a mirante. Still we had surplus energy, therefore the accumulated desire was very superior to the increasing heat and the crooked way. We arrive at the mirante called Mirante of the Solitude, thus called because already in this point it was not more possible to delimit the city to far, and the localization come back toward the opposing side to the one the acometia urban creeps to the observer the sensation to be very distant of that familiar, it was civilized and safe, much even so to live in the city was not very familiar, very civilized much less insurance.

One morning radiosa was the perfect frame for the spectacle to our feet. I know that each one in its soul was if feeling the king of the forest. No signal, no sound for more distant than she was of presence human being arrived at our ears. – I find that the others already had given up, perhaps already they have if tired, or full of bubbles in the feet. Without preparation to face the Mother Nature. – Already we walk 6 kilometers, as my GPS.: Blaise said. – It is more easy of what it seemed, if to keep this rhythm before becoming gloomy already we will have walked about 12 kilometers. We will be able to camp more early and to prepare a beautiful meal in the way it weeds, what they find? – Certain, I agree to you: Baruch, already red and sweated said. – Who I am I stop contesting! The way continued going up and some birds made flights between the trees, some of them were very high in the sky almost pecking clouds. Insects in surprising amount attracted our attention. Teias enormous materialized of spiders of diverse sizes shone as incandescent silver in the bare places and the spaces between the tree.