Unconstitutional federal constitutional complaint Federal Constitutional Court Act Federal Council Federal President Kohler of the ECHR article 13 UN human rights Convention UNCHR so far had the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe to the allegations remained silent, having rejected and not accepted for example, in the period of 1998-2007 exactly 3337 complaints without grounds filed constitutional complaints error of law not after the Federal Constitutional Court Act (BVerfGG). Total 5773 Verfassungsbescherden not adopted 1998-2007 by the Chambers (refusal to accept reasoned 1331;Non-acceptance with tenor justification 1115). This emerges from the public statistics of the Federal Constitutional Court. So, 2001 eight constitutional complaints without grounds were rejected for example on the 03.Juli what constitutes a performance, is likely to be little people. Is now a possible written justification for all obviously erred in law rejected constitutional complaints from 1998-2008 pursuant to 93 (b) in connection with section 93a BVerfGG in the (UR)Amended by the Act of 1993; 23 ABS. 1 sentence 1, 92, 93d ABS.
1 set of 3 BVerfGG, particularly also to the case 1 BvR 3282/08 and complaints under article 13 Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms (everyone has the right of effective appeal before a national court), that removes all speculation. Paramount will also in this context that the United Nations in New York adopted a resolution on the social pact with the voice of the Federal Republic of Germany on December, 2008, whereby anyone in violation of fundamental rights can sue his State before an international panel. This includes a claim against the Federal Republic of Germany before the European Court of human not woDeutschland already seven times was sentenced according to the official statistics of the Ministry of Justice in the year because of violation of the Convention and 54 times by comparison or recognition of the Convention violation with individual complainants with money payments prevented a conviction and at the same time the deletion from the register of the Court This caused.