Nowadays by the circumstances that we are living mainly in the economic world fear and doubt occur constantly, however there are ways to get out of this and become a person with excellent results in this area, discover more here. Fear: fear is not harmful is an emotion of natural calls, i.e. we were born with it and we have to preserve our lives so it is completely logical and natural, the problem is when are we going hand in hand, when we can no longer control it, there turns into fear and up comes to paralyze us. Here you share the steps to fear you don’t drive. 1 Know where is, I repeat, everyone feels fear but there are people who can control and act well despite the, the key is to first find where and when I learned that fear goes beyond me. So we must do all a job search in your memories especially of children, we must find that memory was the first in which you felt fear and you could not control it and Yes the memory located as early as possible can not then find it and which is very intense, and which arouses strong emotion as if it were happening right now.
2. Contact the emotion more intense to close to that situation and respect it, this is very important because unresolved emotion that keeps you tied to behavior is. 3 Find that I understood with respect to this situation, here must find a sentence or decree that I raised at the time that occurred the situation e.g.: Yes of a child suffered great fear at that moment perhaps thought I am small and helpless or do I need someone protect me, etc. 4.Once found the phrase and having done the work of liberation emotional then must find a sentence or decree contrary e.g.: Yes was the phrase I am small and helpless otherwise could be: I ___soy strong and self-sufficient here now and 5, I accept.Working this phrase-based replications daily by a minimum of 90 days these are the steps broadly to eradicate a fear, the best practice is to go with a professional guide you in a way more personal to the healing of fears. By DRA.
Eloisa Chavarria Dr. Eloisa Chavarria has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs to improve their professional and financial results. Known their strategies designed to achieve the next level in your business, visit: and get free first.