Highest level of the week crude oil prices rise despite pressing market facts LEIPZIG. (Ceto) Crude oil prices were again fixed due to better US economic data and energised stock markets in Europe and defended yesterday made profits. For heating oil consumers in Germany, which brought light spreads and 66,44 EUR week highest award with. Finally good news from the United States: gross domestic product has increased in the world’s largest consumer of oil in the second quarter to 1.6 percent. While 0.8 percent are less than in the quarter before. Investor access currently but at every straw to prevent further price slide on the commodity futures exchanges in New York and London. Oil prices were this afternoon (UTC) fixed and moved easily about the yesterday’s final of the day. Compared with the start of the week they increased significantly despite the loss of the service gag and Wednesday.
For analysts, this is however not sustainable development. Even if the price of oil in the long term viewed upside potential has, this is limited in the short term in the face of record-high US inventory levels and predominantly disappointing U.S. economic data”, so Eugen Weinberg of Commerzbank commodity research. In addition also, that even the hurricanes, whose effect market participants expect production outages and supply shortages, likely to spare the conveyor systems in the Gulf of Mexico. For heating oil consumers in Germany, there were like yesterday slight price increases for the weekend. The national average with a delivery volume of 3,000 gallons, 100 liters of heating oil EL cost 66,44 EUR.
These are 32 cents more than yesterday. Compared with the beginning of the week, heating oil 34 cents now costs more and today reached its highest level of the last five days. It reported the online portal of the journal fuel levels and petroleum review. The graphics on the energy Portal show the development of the domestic fuel oil prices in the national average, and in the individual federal States in the section of market data. Regional variations are possible due to the market at any time.