In the day of Colombia they were realised more of a thousand of concentrations within this country and almost hundred in the outside, the same that tended to denounce the CRAF. In these events centroizquierda and in one of them participated Lula and Garci’a next to Uribe and Shakira. Nonmemory that never before in the Americas that a national celebration of some country has generated such level of politicalization and consensuses against a determined internal force or that some guerrilla has received such rank of massive opposition. The liberal leader Cordoba Mercy or the democratic left will have wanted to protest not only against kidnapping but also against paramilitary, but the certain thing is that dominates in those more hard marches they are . The CRAF comes being isolated and runs the risk of suffering more defeats. Today these have two footpaths: they can retain the arms but looking for to recover popularity being distanced of the kidnappings and the drug trafficking or begin to negotiate a disarmament to the Central American. Author original and source of the article.