
For in such a way it is important to offer to the children healthful foods and to guide the aged ones in what it says respect to the prevention and some cares that will have to follow to minimize the posterior consequences that osteoporose can come to acometer them. One consists as objective main of this study, to analyze main factors that lead to unchain osteoporose in special in the aged woman above of the 60 years, registered in cadastre in the Program Alive Age in a Unit of Health in the City of Barrier, as well as evaluating its knowledge concerning osteoporose, knowing the causes that take not the accomplishment of the physical activities, telling to the importance of the good alimentary habits for the prevention and treatment of the illness. This work was elaborated from the descriptive exploratrio method with quantitative boarding through the questionnaire application, aiming at to contribute so that the aged women above of the 60 years better have compression with regard to the studied pathology. Considering here to offer to information on the prevention and treatment of osteoporose and with this they understand the importance to prevent risk factors that lead to unchain the illness, that which is displayed, thus contributing one to improve quality of life. To read more click here: best bars in new york. We opt to the Program Alive Age for accomplishment of our research, to being the control point of attendance to the aged ones being one of the places where the aged women are taken care of. The choice for this Unit of Health was due to accessibility and receptividade of the professionals, in special the Coordinator (Psicopedagoga) and mainly for the pleasure of if working with aged. With the purpose to diminish the consequncias provoked for osteoporose in the aged ones, through information with regard to the studied pathology. One especially knows that to osteoporose it is an illness with high prevalence in aged, in women in the menopause and after-menopause due to the advance of the age, being responsible for high indices of breakings and internments. Click dayton kingery to learn more.