The journalist and his photographer were with the band about the times square and the editor showed himself surprised, that the whole world famous band you nothing about times square could run anything, so me, quietly to attract. “This is just so in New York,” Rudolf said Schenker, “there it is nothing special, if musicians across the street.” At the moment came the first autograph hunters. Then the second. Then, fans wanted a photo. Conclusion: It took five minutes for the words of the magazine journalists and there was traffic chaos in times square. And “Der SPIEGEL” wrote: “many may not believe it in Germany or better: haven’t the Scorpions in Hanover, founded in 1965 as a student band, the rest of the world are still a large number.” Really great even: In the last year alone they gave almost 70 concerts in 27 countries, and not in front of a few hundred die-hard fans, but before a total of around one million viewers.” Year 2009 did Rudolf Schenker and Klaus again my created the musical and lyrical basis for an album.
It was recorded in his own Scorpions Studio in Schwarmstedt in Hannover and in Stockholm, where the two producer Mikael Nord Andersson and Martin Hansen at home. Perhaps check out best bars in New York for more information. Matthias JABs: “a very experienced team, excellent to added. Smart people are extremely musical, and we had so much fun, as in the cooperation with them long in a production. They shared the work, Mikael was more responsible for the guitar sounds Martin more on the vocals.” Using new techniques, such as Skype conferences and Twitter messages, was also on the way the contact maintained. Bass player Pawel Maciwoda: “I hung a last for half a year with the guys around, it’s my third album with the Scorpions and also for me, that was a huge opportunity and a wonderful fun.” “Sting In The Tail” has become perhaps the most characteristic of the Scorpions album.
Perhaps the most beautiful. Definitely the most authentic. The maelstrom of drugs, sex and narcissism, which a while attached to the rock, washed the models in the fashion business or the it girls of this world now and gone somewhere. Rock is an adult now, seriously to taking. The people, the fans are crucial for the functioning of this construct. Without boundaries of class, gender or age. And this authenticity of of based on is reflected in the songs of “Sting In The Tail”: by the title song about source: Columbia / Sony music / rock pop music other artists- and CD info and tour dates in our portals music portal with Web radio; Rock – pop – RnB – the best rock & pop dance music mix on the net! Contact: powered by radio VHR rock pop music – online music magazine with Web radio Alfred Krandick in the Keckenwiesen 6 71554 Weissach Valley 07191 3677344 press contact: radio VHR – broadcasting and advertising Alfred Krandick in the Keckenwiesen 6 71554 Weissach Valley 07191-3677344